I tried to be all nicey nicey. I told the gal on the phone that my doctor had submitted a "claim" for pre-approval and that I just wanted to make sure they had everything they needed from me.
She told me that they would send me notification if something was missing or they needed more information. She said that my record still shows as "reviewing" and that it takes 15 days to review a claim. She also said that there was not much else she could do at this time to help me.
I forgot to ask her if that was 15 days days or 15 business days.
why oh why do there have to be more than one kind of 'days'? isn't 24 hours a 'day' anymore? stoopid stoopid business people.
Just checking in to let you know that I have my fingers crossed for you. I will keep them crossed for 15 days (business or otherwise).
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