Tuesday, January 12, 2010

About Me.

Here we go. Before we go too far, I warn you. I have a major thing for ellipses. I use them all the time. Right or wrong I still use them...ALL THE TIME!!

I've tried blogging before. Started in 2006...one post. Tried again in 2007...one post. Like my track record? Me too! I am trying again. I think part of why I never got very far with this...why would anyone care what I had to say. I will get into details as to why I am trying again on my next post. This one is more about me.

I'm 39. I'm feeling every bit of my 39 years too. I know they say that you are only as old as you feel. In that case, I'm about 85.

I have a Masters Degree in a field I said I would NEVER work in...computers. I remember at 15, when my parents got their first computer saying I would NEVER touch it! I guess the old adage is true...never say NEVER.

I failed this miserably again, when I said I would NEVER have children. I now have 1...Tadpole. I'm sure my little one will surface in conversation later...as children make some brutally honest comments...and mine is no exception! But for the moment, I prefer to leave Tadpole out things.

I know the blogosphere (is that how it is spelled?) is a great place to remain anonymous. I mean you can be a 95 year old man masquerading as a 23 year old blonde woman with big boobs and long legs. Well...I'm neither. I'm 5ft 4in tall and fluffy.

That's all I can think of for an initial post. From what I have seen in other blogs, details will come out as time goes by. Let's talk about those when they come up.



Unknown said...

off to a good start, birdy!

Lynda said...

I share your love of ellipses...I also love the double-dash. I especially like the combination of the period with the double-dash. Probably not correct, but it sure gets my point across.